Wednesday 17 September 2014

Capturing the Personality of Any Occasion!

Moments captured
No matter what the occasion or situation people love to capture moments together through pictures, looking back at those special occasions with friends and family, seeing how much people have grown and changed through the years. Remembering where you were that day, how you are feeling, who you will with and the thoughts you had. 

There is nothing like looking that they are an old photo album, whether it be your own, your parents or your grandparent’s there is something special about going back to that time. But which ones are the most precious? Is it the ones where people are just smiling at the camera or is it those special gems which capture exactly what the person was feeling, thinking or anticipate?

Let your personality shine
Here at IG Studio Company, we base our whole concept of photography on those little gems that sometimes come through. The ones that really capture the person’s individuality and personality, we feel these are the most important captive moment’s as when we look back we can actually feel like we know the person within the picture. We don’t believe in traditional photography, after all we are not all the same. All of us have little quirks here and there that we should be projecting for all to see, whether you call it fine art photography or alternative photography if you would like a wedding photographer who can bring your guess to life on paper then, and see all our previous work. Our aim is not only to produce an amazing, beautiful wedding pictures to remember, but we also want to create pictures way you can look back and really sense how you felt and the emotions that were running through your mind.

So whatever you want to call us, whether it be a modern photography company, alternative photography or fine art photography company, you can come and browse through all our previous events. If you feel we are the kind of company you would like to use for your special occasion, do not hesitate to contact Iwona and Greg the founders of this ingenious Dublin based business. From the moment they began, their inspiration was to simply produce images that are full of life, joy, raw emotions and love.

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